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PSHE lead: Katrina Liddle

PSHE Intent: 

At St Augustine’s Catholic Primary School, Relationships Education, RSE and Health Education complement several National Curriculum subjects. We look for opportunities to draw links between the subjects and integrate teaching where appropriate. We want our children to enjoy learning; to be confident and independent, to build resilience and persistence, Children should be confident to be able to transfer skills from one area of learning to another. 


P.S.H.E. will be delivered to address the following statutory(relationships and health) objectives by the end of primary school: Mental wellbeing, online safety and harms, Physical health and fitness. Healthy eating, Drugs, alcohol and tobacco, Health and prevention, Basic first aid, Being safe, Online relationships, Caring friendships, Respective relationships, changing adolescent body (9years onwards), families and people who care for me.


PSHE will further support the development of the skills, attitudes, values and patterns of behaviour, which enable pupils to; 

•to inspire everyone

•enrich their life now and in the future

•Form relationships

•Explore learning. 

•Communicate effectively

•to work both as part of a team and as an individual

•Respond to challenge

•to articulate and share ideas

•Be active citizens within the local community

•Explore issues related to living in a democratic society


Relationships policy


This is the link for 10:10 relationships resources which we will use in school and you can access at home too should you wish to :


Anti bullying week

Black history month. Thank you to Mr Prince for his talk today about the Great African nations.

Healthy eating workshops

Sugar food workshops for our Year 3 and 4. They learnt about how much sugar they should have in a day and how much was in different foods. Thank you to Chartwells for offering these workshops for free.

Who is special to me? Today in Year one we thought about special people in our lives and made them lovely notes.

Great fun celebrating Chinese new year with our pupils today

Safer internet day

POP23 online Stem whole school

Christmas card for our Parish appeal

Pantomime supported by our PTA

Road safety week

Still image for this video

Anti bullying week

The children were very lucky to have a visit from Andrew Sharp, our Chair of Governors

Remembrance Day

Black history month

Self esteem and mental health

PSHE looking after bees.

King Coronation

British values - King coronation

Chartwells healthy eating

Thank you to Chartwells for leading this wonderful healthy eating workshop

School council raised money to adopt animals.

Ks1 learn how to keep healthy

Children mental health week

Internet safety

Road safety

Anti bullying week

Still image for this video

Save water in response to our English book Lila and the secret of rain.

Anti bullying week

Remembrance day

Mental health awareness workshop

Community support

Whole school Local area week - living in the wider world.

Amelia workshop - our local area

Chartwells workshop healthy eating

Ant and Dec pass the positivity

Step up to the plate food campaign for Primary schools

Step up to the plate food campaign for Primary schools

There is enough food for everyone, yet 1 person in 10 is hungry.

We found  out how the way  that food is grown and shared - our global food system - is broken.  We took action to tell the government to keep the promises they made at COP26.  We are calling on the government to keep the poorest communities at the heart of its decisions.

KS1 Learning what do do in an emergency

We learnt how to take care of out world. We are going to; recycle more, pick up litter, clean more areas, not throw plastic in the ocean. What do you think of when you hear our earth?

Green canopy Queen Jubliee

Internet safety in KS1 March 2022

Mental Health week 2022

31 January 2021


Children in Year 1/2 have recently been looking at the story of The Jolly Postman. This week they had the opportunity of writing letters home to their families. They were then able to walk to the local postbox in small groups to post and send their letters home! What a lovely surprise for their families!





As part of our PSHE and RE we thought about how to protect our environment ahead of the G8 summit. We wanted to our Prime Minister to know that we are watching our world leaders. We used the Cafod campaign "The eyes of the World are on us" "Dear Prime Minister, are you protecting our planet? The eyes of the world are watching you."

Fire safety talk. November 21. The whole school had a talk from Fireman Vernon. We learnt important safety rules.

Anti bullying week November 21. As a school we wore odd socks and has PSHE lessons on anti bullying.

British Values- the Queens Platinum Jubilee, wow Years 1/2

Grandparents day September 2021. Our school made cards for our local Carehome to celebrate National Grandparents today. We were delighted to have received cards back.

Year 6 Learning how to carry out CPR

Year 3/4 and 5/6 as budding First Aiders!

Year 1 and 2 on their trip to the library

Sampling foods during Global Food Week

Mental Health Awareness Week  12th May

Our children have been thinking about their mental health and wellbeing using the theme of nature. In Years 1 and 2 they have been going outside each morning; observing the world around them, listening to birdsong and using this time to talk about what they can see and hear and how they are feeling. We have noticed that this opportunity has really benefitted the children. Throughout the school we have been using our outside areas for prayer time, for reading and for drawing…

Yaer 3/4 have been talking about how to look after our world

Year 3/4 Have Been Investigating How Much Sugar is in their Food w/c 11 January 2021

International Education Week w/c 23 November 2020

Our Friendship Pumpkins

Children in ks2 took part in a live Parliament online workshop. The children took part in discussions, questions and found out lots of information about how Parliament works. This was led by MPS within the houses of Parliament and gave the children a great opportunity to find out how our government works.
It also fitted in well with our PSHE theme of preparing to play an active role as citizens.

Following on from this we joined in with UK school parliament week where children across the school took  part in activities to further our knowledge.
ks1. considered our local community. We drew maps of where we live and thought about the problems we encounter; people not picking up dog poo, parking, roads closed that people still drive along and rubbish were some of the ideas.
Ks2 also thought about their communities and wrote letters to our local MP.

We celebrated Road Safety Week

We thought about ways to help save the world. We will turn off taps, lights, plant flowers and trees, use less plastic. Here are KS1 children in a zero.

In November 2021 the whole school had a talk from Vernon the Firefighter. We learnt how to stay safe and what to do if there is a fire as well as learning about what firefighters do. The message the children want to pass to parents is " In the event of fire : GET OUT, STAY OUT, and CALL 999"

Fire Safety Talk

Working alongside our Local Care Home

The children have been working alongside the local Care home to help out and celebrate National Grandparents Day. They made these cards and completed some other activities to interact with the residents

Living Wage