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Art and Design

Art lead: Mrs Croker

It is our aim to inspire and challenge children equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. We aim to teach skills and techniques which will enable children to express themselves with confidence, to be reflective and form critical opinions. We strive to present children with a diverse range of experiences, so that they can experience the arts from different cultures and periods of time. We recognise that children learn best when they are enabled to link their understanding across subjects so their learning becomes embedded and can be used across many disciplines; so at St Augustine’s our children learn the appreciation, enjoyment and skills of art discretely and throughout the curriculum wherever possible. We encourage pupils to explore the arts beyond school and celebrate the skills they develop beyond the classroom as well as those developed within school.

Art Curriculum Intent Statement


Year one stick transformation project

Year 1/2 Sculpture

Year 1/2 Expressive Painting


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Year 3/4 - Clay

Year 5/6 Poppy Collages

Living Wage