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Assessment Used

The school uses a variety of assessments throughout the school.  They include the following:


  • Language Link.

This assesses a child’s understanding of spoken English. A child’s first language is taken into account at the time of assessment and this test is often useful when we are trying to distinguish between children with English as an Additional Language (EAL) who are making expected progress with their English and those who may also have additional Special Educational Needs. Language link assessments take place at any time when a teacher or parent raises an issue about a child’s Language skills. All children where Language Needs are identified, are retested with Language Link at least annually to monitor their progress in these areas.


  • Speech Link

Speech Link is an on line programme designed to help children with speech difficulties. It combines an evaluation tool to identify and manage developmental speech difficulties and recommended activities for teachers and teaching assistants to use with the child concerned.


  • IDL Reading Age and Spelling Age Tests

Most children in Years 2-6 complete the IDL Reading and Spelling Age tests annually. Individual pupils in KS1 or KS2 may complete a reading age test more frequently where information is needed in order to evaluate provision, complete referrals or assessments. Parents are informed of results at parent consultation meetings.


  • Lucid Rapid Dyslexia Screener

Taking only 15 minutes, Lucid Rapid Dyslexia Screening is the solution for quick screening for dyslexia. The computer gives each child three enjoyable and non-threatening tests that are sensitive cognitive indicators of dyslexia. Each Screening component has been individually standardised, validated and calibrated to maximise accuracy in detection of dyslexia and prevent dyslexic children 'slipping through the net'.


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