At St Augustines we follow the ‘Come and See’ programme for Foundation and Key Stages 1 and 2, which is endorsed by the Diocese of Southwark 10% of the teaching timetable is provided for Religious Education. This means, 2 hours 15 minutes at Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1, and 2 hours 30 minutes at Key Stage 2. This time does not include collective worship, hymn practice, assemblies etc. This time allocation is distributed appropriately across the timetable to ensure quality time is given for effective teaching and learning throughout the week. Allocation of teaching time to other faiths is 5 hours (2 weeks RE time). The school leadership and management take responsibility for this.
Within each lesson there is a balance between input, discussion and activity.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church addresses the human search for meaning, God’s initiative in Revelation who comes to meet us and our response of faith. This pattern guides the structure of the programme and informs the process of each topic, opened up through; Explore, Reveal and Respond.
The teacher helps the children to begin to look at and focus on the experience within their own lives – concerning themselves, their relationships and their world. In this way the children are led to a deeper understanding, clearer vision and the discovery of significance and value of the experiential events of everyday life.
Reveal is the heart of the process. The teacher and the children together discover the Christian understanding of the mystery of the Trinity; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They explore the mystery of human life as revealed in the person, life and gospel of Jesus Christ. It will involve learning about Scripture, the teaching of the Church, prayers, rites, psalms, hymns and other expressions of Christian faith and the lives of outstanding Christians.
‘Remember’ is the first part of this section. The children will respond by remembering and celebrating all that they have learnt. This new understanding will enable them to make a personal response in their daily lives. This part begins by reflecting on what the children wonder about. This is followed by providing the opportunity for the children to remember what they have understood and learnt.