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Ofsted Report

“St Augustine’s Catholic Primary School continues to be a Good School” – Ofsted September 2021


Some of the highlights:

  • Pupils feel safe, they know that keeping safe extends beyond the school to aspects of the online world.
  • Expectations are high throughout the school and pupils rise to them.
  • Bullying is not a problem here.
  • Leaders have ensured that pupils develop knowledge in all subjects in keeping with the National Curriculum.
  • As soon as they start school in Reception, children learn to read.
  • Behaviour in lessons is good- this helps pupils to learn well.
  • The school is led and managed well. The Trust works with leaders to ensure that staff are provided with good quality training and support. 







We inspect providers across education, children’s services and adult learning and skills and tell you what we find in our inspection reports.


The type of inspection will determine such things as:


  • the number of inspectors
  • the length of the inspection
  • the amount of notice a provider gets
  • what happens during the inspection
  • the content of the inspection report.


A typical inspection has one or more inspectors visiting a provider to find out about them. The inspection will follow a framework and report on particular aspects of the provision.


After the inspection we tell you what we find out in our inspection reports. We publish these reports on our website, and in some cases the provider has to provide the report on request.


The content of a report will depend on the type of inspection. An inspection report will describe the provider, then go on to tell you about our inspection findings and judgements with the grades given by the inspector.


How we carry out an inspection will depend on the type of provider. For more information go to the relevant section to find out about how we inspect and what is in inspection reports.

Section 48 Inspection Reports


When a church school is inspected by OFSTED a parallel inspection occurs which focuses on aspects of the school which make it distinctive as a church school. These inspections occur every three years. The overall purpose of this SIAS inspection (also known as Section 48) is to answer the question: ‘How distinctive and effective is the school as a church school?’ The inspection and ensuing report comment on and grade four key questions:


  • How well does the school, through its distinctive Christian character, meet the needs of all learners?
  • What is the impact of collective worship on the school community?
  • How effective is religious education?
  • How effective are the leadership and management of the school, as a church school?
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