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Late/Absence Procedures

The playground gate is locked at 8.55am. If your child is late bring them to the front entrance and sign them into the ‘late book’. For security reasons we ask that you do not accompany them through the school to his/her class.


Your child must inform the school office of their lunch arrangements for the day, they should then make their way to their classroom while you sign the late book, located in the front porch. 


Absences must be reported by 9.30am each day that your child is off school by one of the following methods:

  • Telephone 01892 529796 (please leave a message on the answering machine)
  • Email:
  • Sending a 'communication' via your Parentpay account


Children need to remain absent from school for 48 hours, following an episode of sickness or diarrhea.


Please see our Attendance Policy for further information (in our Policies section).

The school day ends at 3.25pm. If your child is not collected by 3.40pm your child will be taken to our Wrap-around care facility, Eden Club, and you will be charged for the session.


Our Wrap-around care facility, Eden Club, finishes at 6pm. If you collect your child after 6pm you will incur a penalty fee of £10 per child. 

Living Wage