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At St Augustine’s School we are proud of our diverse, caring community.

We are a Catholic School and we welcome local families from all faiths and backgrounds who are happy to support our ethos.


Prospective Parent Visits for

Reception 2025

for parents of children born between 1 September 2020 and

31 August 2021 will be published on this page in September.


Please contact the main School Office if you wish to view our school for an In Year Admission.


Booking is essential, strictly limited, and may be subject to change; we will notify you if this is the case.

Our visits involve an informal talk with our Acting Headteacher, Mr Liddle,

followed by a tour of the school.


Applications for Reception September 2025 will open later this year.

Applications should be made online via Kent County Council Admissions:


“Pupils feel safe, they know that keeping safe extends beyond the school to aspects of the online world.”

“Expectations are high throughout the school and pupils rise to them.”

Ofsted September 2021


To speak to our Admissions Department, or to visit our school, please contact the School Office on

01892 529796 or email:

In Year Admissions


To enquire about year group availability and waiting list procedures please telephone or email the School Office.


For “In Year” applications an In Year Application Form and Supplementary Information Form should be completed and returned directly to the school.


If you are having difficulty in finding a school place for your child, please telephone the Kent In Year Admissions Team on 03000 41 61 11 who can advise you which local schools have places in each year group.

If you are interested in applying for a place at our school and would like a tour please call the School Office on 01892 529796 to arrange this.


For Reception September 2025


You must complete the Kent County Council (or other Council if resident in another county) Reception Common Application Form (SCAF) and either return that to your child's primary school or make an electronic application at:

by 15 January 2025



In addition, please return a Supplementary Information Form to the Admissions Officer at the school (not Local Authority). For Year R entry in September 2025 please return this form to the school no later than

15 January 2025 in order that we may rank your application. 


Please note failure to submit a completed Supplementary Information form when applying for a Catholic school place may result in your application not being placed in the correct category and could result in you not receiving an offer of a place. 



In Year or Casual Applications


Applications made too late for the local authority co-ordinated system, In-year applications for year R and applications for entry to years 1-6 must be made on the IYCAF (In-Year and Casual application Form) available on our website. The same policy and procedure (apart from the timetable) applies to these applications. This form must be sent to the school’s Admissions Officer with a supplementary information form.


Please note that if you are not offered a place and submit an appeal a copy of this form will be submitted to the Appeal Panel. 


For In Year Applications please speak to the School Office on 01892 529796 or email:


Please read the Admissions Policy and Procedure which can be found on the school’s website


Please also ensure that you have read the school’s Privacy Notice, which can be found on the school’s website

Living Wage