We can now accept Childcare Vouchers or Tax Credits using our Ofsted Number: 144836. Check your childcare options online via: childcarechoices.gov.uk or call 0300 123 4097.
Eden Club After School Sessions will cost £13.50 from September 2024 ; these sessions run from 3.30 - 6.00pm.
Eden Club Breakfast Sessions will cost £6.50 from September 2024 and these sessions start from 7.30am.
Booking forms are available from the school office and can be downloaded from this page. Please return booking forms to the school office no later than the date stipulated on the form. Booking forms handed in after this date are not guaranteed to be upheld and your child may be placed on a waiting list.
Money to be paid in full, via your Parentpay account, no later than the date stipulated on the form. Bookings are only guaranteed once payment has been received. s:
Eden Club has now got a mobile phone number ~ 07958 122953. Eden Club staff will take the mobile outside with them when the children are playing outside so if you can’t get an answer from the Eden Club doorbell please call the mobile. The mobile number is not for changing bookings or account queries. For these instances please contact the school office on 01892 529796.
Please see full terms and conditions above.